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Monthly Archives: October 2011

Halloween Hauntings. Inspiration Board {49}

In case you haven’t noticed, I love Halloween! I am hugely tempted to convince the Boy to get married on October 31st so that I can have a fully themed day. Especially if it can be as elegant as this board:

 Click through for links

A paired-back palette of black, white and blood red give a subtle base for more fanciful elements. Bring fairytale inspiration to life with ghost pumpkins, apples and a princess-style dress.

Happy Halloween!!





What the Fluich is Your Fallback?

Before I get to the main post I just want to say that my heart goes out to anyone effected by the flooding this week. My thoughts and prayers are with those who sadly lost their lives. 


I’m sure you have it very clear in your head – a gorgeous sunny day with just a hint of a sea breeze to catch your veil, the perfect amount of sunlight (not too much to give you squinty-eyes) and a cloud-free backdrop. The perfect weather to get the perfect pictures of your perfect day.

But this is Ireland. So the chances of getting that kind of day, even in the height of summer are slight. So have you got a back-up plan? Even if the one shower of the day decides to arrive at the time you had planned for your photo’s, you may have to plan a work-around. Most hotels will be happy for you to get your shots there, but it is rarely the most scenic or personal of backdrops. Have a scout round and see if you can find some nice indoor options.


Aileen and Adrian had the option of popping indoors when they got their shots done by Elisha Clarke at the Botanic Gardens. The added bonus is that the glasshouse is almost as beautiful as the gardens themselves:

(click the pic to see full wedding)

Whereas over on One Fab Day Jay and Andrea popped back home for a cup of tea and some really natural and relaxed images. Check them out, you’ll be nearly be begging for rain so you can have a trip back to the house!

Tuesday Shoesday – Halloween Special!

Take a look at these babies:

Ok, they may be a little morbid for a wedding day, but they do say ‘to death do us part…’

Alexander McQueen at Saks Fifth Avenue. A mere €647….


Check out these blogs for more Tuesday picks:

Sunday’s Favourite Thing

Is back! And kicking off a week of Halloween goodies!


Masquerade and Halloween themed chocolate goodies make the perfect favours for a monstrously great wedding!

These are made by Frosted Petticoat (the same people as the amazing blog.) Currently they only ship to the US, but hopefully they will consider expanding and supplying us with some of their goodies!