Only Gorgeous Weddings

Stalking the Prettiest of Pretties

Category Archives: Monthly Round Up

A Month of Gorgeous

Wowee. Only Gorgeous Weddings has been up and running for a whole month! And so far, I’m pretty happy with that month.

There were some gorgeous real Irish weddings.

A brand new bridal beauty series.

Some of my favourite shoesies.

I’m revisiting my series on photography options. So far, we’ve had e-shoots and trash the dress, with lots more to come!

I’ve started a new weekly treat with Sunday’s Favourite Things.

And, as always, I’ve brought together weekly wedding inspiration boards.

On a personal goal front, I’ve reached all the mini goals I had set myself : joining TWIPS,  getting over 200 views in a day, and getting over 2000 hits in a month. While these may be teeny goals for some, nothing beats the feeling of kicking your own goal’s ass! Here’s to another month of gorgeousness!