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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Tuesday Shoesday

Who doesn’t love a bit of bow and a bit of peep?

Next, £42

Glasses: to Wear or Not to Wear

Should I wear my glasses on my wedding day? As someone who has worn glasses pretty much every day since I was 14, this is a topic close to my heart.

Allegro Photography

It started off innocently enough, I was getting headaches at school and was taken to the opticians. I was told that I was short sighted and needed glasses for the blackboard and for watching tv. I should have known from my sisters (2 of whom needed glasses since their early teens) that soon they would become a permanent fixture to my face.

And they are. I put them on first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night. I need them for pretty much everything, including typing on my laptop or work pc. (Unless I touch-type, but I can’t see any mistakes!) I hate them though. I have a fairly small face, so most pairs overpower me. They leave slightly-sweaty pink blotches on my nose from where they rest. They get smudged and scratched because I don’t take care of them and worst of all, they hide my eyes. The one feature of mine that I quite like. Oh, and if I go out, drunk people always want to have a go at wearing them. I will, without a doubt, be wearing contacts on my wedding day. Even though they dry my eyes out after a few hours, which is why I don’t wear them every day. I’ll stash a spare pair in our suite along with some solution to moisten my eyeballs. I would rather have uncomfortable eyes with not-quite-perfect vision than wear glasses on my wedding day. And that, my friends, is incredibly vain.

But I know not everyone feels the same. Many other people don’t feel like they are ‘them’ without their glasses. And that’s fantastic, they shouldn’t feel any different on their wedding day. I believe that you want to be the best version of yourself on your wedding day and if that includes your best pair of specks then so be it.  Don’t let the status quo dictate how you look on your wedding day (or any other day for that matter.)

James Crockford

If you are wearing your glasses then there are a few things to consider. If you are going to get a new pair for it, buy them at least a month in advance and try them on with your veil, if you’re wearing one. Wear them to any hair or make up trials you may have to make sure they suit the styles as well. On the day, your photographer should make any adjustments needed and for goodness sake, don’t let your guest throw rice – it’ll scratch them to bits!

If you are going down the contacts route make sure your eye make-up is suitable for sensitive eyes and do not use eye brighteners are they are not formulated for contacts.


Whichever way you go, make sure to remain ‘you’ and recognisable to the man standing at the end of the aisle  – I mean the groom, not the priest!!

Sunday’s Favourite Thing

I’ve only recently been introduced to the tradition of a cake charm or charm pull. I’m sure it has similar origins as the baking of a ring or coin into a barnbrack, in that you bake several charms attached to ribbons into the cake. The bridal party then pull a ribbon and see which charm they get, each charm having a different meaning.

Martha Stewart

Traditionally, sea related charms are used such as an anchor for stability. However you could use charms that relate to your wedding day theme, such as an Eiffel Tower for a Parisian theme. Or use Irish themed charms such as the Claddagh or a shamrock.

More Posed and Portraiture Style

Try saying that three times!

*This post is from the archives, and I haven’t changed it. This means the pictures don’t look right and I’m too sleepy to do it tonight. Sorry!*

As you should know by now, I like to follow my Tuesday photography post with a Wednesday photography post of the same style, just with slightly more international sources. And my, am I spoilt for choice with gorgeous examples of ‘posed’ styles. Open any wedding blog, site or even old-fashioned magazine and you will be see many, many images in this style. But, here we have just a small selection.
First off is the lovely Rob from Robert Hooper Photography. He managed to get exactly what I meant and provided me with these fantastic shots:

Source: Robert Hooper
How much do I love that bridge shot? Possibly more than is healthy. And that silhouette is timeless. Intimate without seeming intrusive. The final one is something out of a wedding magazine. Love it!
From a bit further afield we have the stunning 13:13. Based in South Florida they produce such beautiful images. (I also have a liking for their illustration on the about page – is that a Nan Lawson I spy? But that’s neither here nor there) Take a look:
I have a great fondness for split screen shots of the bride and groom. I’m not sure what it is about them, I just love them.
How delighted would your hubbie be if you challenged him to a game of pre-speech footie? As delighted as you would be about owning those shoes? It looks like a bit of craic anyway!
Yes, I included that final picture as much for the dress as for the images of the couple. I am in love with that dress. It is literally my ideal. But the pictures rock too!
How do you feel about contemporary posed photography? Are you for or against? Please let me know.