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Category Archives: Photography

Eric Savo – All Kinds of Beautiful

This week we are featuring the incredible Eric Savoie. When I first saw some of Eric’s work I was completely blown away and I actually made the boy look up from a match to tell him ‘this is the photographer I want.’ Can you imagine how delighted I was when I spoke to him and discovered that not only is he incredibly talented and passionate about his craft, but is also a nice guy? Ecstatic, I tell you. Now, there is a little bit of me that wants to not share him with you, to keep him to myself and shout ‘MY TOYS!’ but apparently that’s childish and not what I’m allowed to do.
Source: Eric Savoie

More Posed and Portraiture Style

Try saying that three times!

*This post is from the archives, and I haven’t changed it. This means the pictures don’t look right and I’m too sleepy to do it tonight. Sorry!*

As you should know by now, I like to follow my Tuesday photography post with a Wednesday photography post of the same style, just with slightly more international sources. And my, am I spoilt for choice with gorgeous examples of ‘posed’ styles. Open any wedding blog, site or even old-fashioned magazine and you will be see many, many images in this style. But, here we have just a small selection.
First off is the lovely Rob from Robert Hooper Photography. He managed to get exactly what I meant and provided me with these fantastic shots:

Source: Robert Hooper
How much do I love that bridge shot? Possibly more than is healthy. And that silhouette is timeless. Intimate without seeming intrusive. The final one is something out of a wedding magazine. Love it!
From a bit further afield we have the stunning 13:13. Based in South Florida they produce such beautiful images. (I also have a liking for their illustration on the about page – is that a Nan Lawson I spy? But that’s neither here nor there) Take a look:
I have a great fondness for split screen shots of the bride and groom. I’m not sure what it is about them, I just love them.
How delighted would your hubbie be if you challenged him to a game of pre-speech footie? As delighted as you would be about owning those shoes? It looks like a bit of craic anyway!
Yes, I included that final picture as much for the dress as for the images of the couple. I am in love with that dress. It is literally my ideal. But the pictures rock too!
How do you feel about contemporary posed photography? Are you for or against? Please let me know.

Stunning Staged Shots

This is the most common style of photography. It is probably what you think of when you think of wedding photography. The images are posed and set-up. That is definitely not to say that they are static images of the couple with frozen smiles. They can be, but there are an awful lot of people out there doing wonderful things with this style. One of which is GingerPixel, based in Greystones, Co Wicklow. She is an animator originally so if her images didn’t have some life in them I would be surprised! But she definitely lives up to expectation:

This style is great if you want a collaborative relationship with your photographer. The photographer should be able to make the most of the two of you, your big day and get some really ‘wow’ shots.
It’s probably the best to get if you want the photographer for a limited amount of time as well. Much and all as we hate to say it, the big R has hit everybody’s budget and a lot of people are considering cutting back on the photographer. Instead of cutting one out altogether, you could consider cutting down on the amount of time they spend with you. With this style you could hire one for a shorter period of time and still get some great shots of the people you want.
But back to the fun stuff! I love shoe shots. Maybe it’s because I love shoes and I love men with funky socks. (see reason #9 why I love Booth in Bones) but these kinda shots just make me happy.

Documentary, Part Deux

I hope you loved Roger Overall‘s images in last Friday’s post as much as I do. I like to do a quick follow up to the full-on articles with a few examples of other photographers work in a similar vein.

Children seem to be the documentary photographer’s dream. Whereas they can also make a posed photo look just that, they bring documentary-style images come to life. I’ve tried to not include them too much because they make for such an easy sell. Honestly, if you aren’t overly keen on either this photography style or having kids at your day you will change your mind after seeing a few documentary-style images with kids.Go on, check them out!
So tell me – are you sold yet? Or are you still searching for your style?